2018 Garden Tour

Last summer was a bit of a wash-out here for a few reasons which meant nothing got done last fall. And because everything has consequences, that meant a very slow start to the gardening this year. But somehow it came together enough to have a mostly respectable looking yard.

Beating the heat…

German Shepherd enjoying his pool

Last weekend we had some astonishingly hot weather, making this good boy more than eager to lay around in his pool. He discovered that the pig floating in front of him could take on water. I have no photos of him running around shaking the pig and flinging water everywhere – I was too busy trying to stay out of range.

Fluffing and Stuffing

Once I finished the weeding (for a hot minute or two), there were a few things that needed to be shifted around.

Side Garden

This area in particular was not working for me. The Prairie Fire Dogwood added nothing to the composition and the area needs some contrast to the various greens & yellows. Initially I wanted to get a Wine & Roses Weigela for this spot, but I didn’t care enough to really hunt for one.

Weigela Victoria

Instead I planted a Victoria Weigela, there are also some White Snakeroot ‘Chocolate’ off to the left.

I also moved the Hosta ‘Grand Slam’ (between the Japanese Maple and Hardy Hibiscus) and the arrangement is more pleasing IMHO. There is an empty pop bottle in the yard because of that character in the pool above.

Sedum for the win…

Hosta and Sedum

The back row of hosta in this bed were struggling. It’s under the eave of the shed and a huge maple tree. Sedum handles dry conditions well and even though they prefer plenty of sun, they seem to tolerate shade.

Side Yard foundation planting

Foundation planting

I’ve finally got the Chameleon weed mostly under control. The bleeding hearts are finished, but the Asiatic lilies are ready to pop any day. This bed is about 4 years old, so the Golden Tiara hosta clumps are getting pretty big. I had to move two Astilbes that were getting smothered. The Brunnera ‘Jack Frost’ are also a bit bigger than anticipated, the two Heuchera ‘Silver Scrolls’ needed shifting to give them some space.

Calling all Hummingbirds

Tropicals in the veggie garden

I am making a determined effort to attract hummingbirds this year, we will see what happens.

Sun Power and Spartacus

This bed was new last year. I moved the Hosta Sun Power here along with Spartacus (new last year) and the Huechera Black Pearl. I’ve added some Lamium for contrast. Who knows, maybe it will choke out some weeds.

New additions this year were 7 Lamium, 3 Heuchera Purple Palace, and about 9 new Hosta. Other than the perennials, I planted 3 flats of Impatien, 1 of Nicotiana and another of Marigolds.

2 thoughts on “2018 Garden Tour”

  1. You said that you had the Chameleon weed mostly under control, How? I am going for persistent digging unless you have a magic formula you can share. Love your blog! lots of good ideas! Hugs

    1. It took about 3 years, persistence and – I won’t lie – Round Up. In the spring I would spray every single shoot or leaf I saw, and then through the season I painted round up on emerging leaves with one of those foam paint brushes. I am now at the point where it’s contained enough I can just dig it when I see it. I think the only other option may be smothering it in multiple layers of newspaper and mulch…

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